2023-2026 Strategic Plan

The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako (RDBN) 2023-2026 Strategic Plan features four strategic focus areas, each with a number of objectives that will help guide work plans and decision making for the remainder of the Board’s term, which runs until 2026.

The four priorities focus on relationships with First Nations communities and groups, advocacy with the Province to ensure that the needs of the region are represented, improving the housing supply within the region, and supporting and diversifying the local economy.

Click here to find the plan:
RDBN Strategic Plan Title Page Image.png


Annual Report

The RDBN 2023 Annual Report highlights the projects and accomplishments for the previous year, and also includes the 2023 Audited Financial Statements.

The report covers several major projects, including the grand opening of the Smithers-Laidlaw Commuter Trail, the expansion of the Clearview Landfill, and the Regional Housing Initiative. The report also includes details on the 2023 wildfire season and the emergency operation centre response.

Click here to find the report: