Since 2005, the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako has partnered with the Northwest Invasive Plant Council (NWIPC) to address invasive plant species spread within the region. The NWIPC coordinates the invasive plant response based on priority areas and species and on funding availability through their network of partners. Specifically, funds contributed from the RDBN go toward a number of programs including local education and signage on invasive plants and invasive plant monitoring and treatment at RDBN owned and administered properties. In addition, the NWIPC administers the Private Land Owner Rebate program that offers rebates to land owners that use contractors to treat for invasive plants on their property.
Invasive plants are plant species that have the potential to pose undesirable or detrimental impacts on people, animals or ecosystems. Invasive plants can establish quickly and easily on disturbed or undisturbed sites and cause widespread negative economic, social and environmental impacts. The best way to stop the spread of invasive plants is prevention. This can be done by learning to recognize and identify invasive plants as well as removing weeds and their seeds from vehicles, equipment, clothing and foot-wear, livestock and pets before leaving an infested area. The top "unwanted" invasive plant species in the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako are listed on the NWIPC website, please visit for more information:
Northwest Invasive Plant Council (NWIPC)
The Toll-Free Northwest Invasive Plant Council Weed Hotline is 1-866-44WEEDS (1-866-449-3337).
You can report Invasives on your phone by downloading the Report Invasives App here.
Invasive Species Council of BC
NWIPC Landowner Invasive Plant Removal Rebate Program