The Regional District is authorized under the Local Government Act to designate land as a floodplain. Once an area is designated as a floodplain, construction within that area can be required to meet specific elevation and setback requirements. Regional District Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 1878, 2020 was established to reduce or prevent injury or the loss of life, and to minimize property damage, during flood events.
Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 1878, 2020
Schedule A
- Bulkley & Telkwa Rivers - Smithers to Telkwa, Drawing No. 84-68-1 to 84-68-8
- Bulkley River - Quick to Houston, Drawing No. 96-10-1 to 6
- Bulkley River - Quick Area, Drawing No. 86-23-1 to 4
- Stuart River and Lake - Fort St. James, Drawing No. 89-42-1 to 7
- Ebenezer Flats near Smithers 200 Year Flood Map
Application for a Floodplain Exemption
Ebenezer Flats Flood Mitigation Study 2019
The floodplain mapping used by the Regional District was developed through a joint initiative of the provincial and federal governments. These maps are available from the BC Ministry of Environment Water Stewardship Division.
Ministry of Environment Floodplain Mapping
For Information on how to prepare for a flooding emergency or for information during a flooding event see RDBN Protective Services.