Fort St. James Rural
Official Community Plan Review
On November 21st, 2024, the OCP review process was concluded as Fort St. James Rural OCP Bylaw 2054, 2024 was adopted by the Regional District Board of Directors.
Thank you to everyone who participated and provided input into the OCP review process!
The adopted OCP documents can be found here.
The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako started the process of reviewing the Fort St James Rural Official Community Plan (the Plan) in 2022. Planning staff have prepared a draft plan informed by input from a working group, the public, First Nations, community organizations and government agencies. Three open houses have been held to solicit input on the Plan.
Read the September 26, 2024, First and Second Reading Board report here
As part of the process the Regional District also undertook a survey to obtain public input regarding land use planning issues in the area. Below a summary of survey results have been provided:
Below is a brief overview of the Fort St James Rural OCP review process. The process to update the OCP is scheduled to be completed in late 2024.
What is an OCP?
An OCP is intended to be the community’s vision for the future development and growth of an area. It also provides guidance on important areas such as housing, climate change and quality of life and is used to guide land use and development decisions.
What does an OCP contain?
- Areas for development -residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, agricultural, recreational uses.
- Hazard lands and sensitive lands.
- Location and phasing of any major roads and services.
- Local government targets and policies for environmental sustainability.
- Locations of public facilities, including schools, parks and waste treatment and disposal sites.
- Locations of sand and gravel deposits suitable for extraction.
- Housing policies regarding affordable housing, rental housing and special needs housing.
- Policies protecting agricultural lands.
- Targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the area covered by the plan.
Questions an OCP can answer
- What do we want our community to look like in 5 years? 10 years?
- How much development is acceptable and how dense should it be?
- Where should residential, commercial, and other uses be located?
- What areas and natural features need to be protected from development?
If you have any questions regarding the Rural Fort St. James OCP or the review process, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Department at planning@rdbn.bc.ca or 250-692-3195 toll free 1-800-320-3339.