Text to 911

Text to 911 service is a specialized texting service that provides people who are Deaf/Deaf-Blind, Hard-of-Hearing, or Speech Impaired (DHHSI) with the ability to contact 911 through texting or TTY devices. This service is available to residents in the municipalities, First Nations, and rural areas of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako who pre-register with their wireless providers. The service is provided by E-Comm— the emergency communications centre responsible for answering 911 calls in the northern interior. To register visit www.textwith911.ca.

T911 works differently than regular texting and there are very important things DHHSI persons need to know in order to use this special text service:

  • You must pre-register your cellphone with your cellphone company. Visit www.textwith911.ca to register.
  • You must have a cellphone that can make voice calls and send/receive texts. If you are not sure if your cellphone can do both, check with your cellphone company.
  • Call from an area where T911 and cell service is available. Visit www.textwith911.ca for a full list of communities where the service is available.
  • In an emergency, you must first dial 911 like any other caller to establish a voice connection – this is the only way a text session can start. Do not start texting until you get a text from the 911 operator.



Final Banner.PNGClick the banner above for information on how to register for alerts.