Emergency Support Services Volunteer Are you interested in becoming an Emergency Support Services volunteer within the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako? Please provide your information below and a member of the Protective Services team at the RDBN will contact you with more details. Commitment Until activated by an emergency event, being a part of your local ESS team is generally a low commitment. Each team is managed by a local Emergency Support Services Director (ESSD). ESS volunteers make the following commitments: Attend ESS training provided by your local government and the Province of BC. Attend monthly meetings. Be available to respond to emergency events when possible. Participate in occasional volunteer appreciation, recruitment, and public education events. Name: Required Email Required Phone Number What community do you reside in within the RDBN? Required Comment Tell us how you heard about ESS Volunteer Recruitment? Required Friend Newspaper Radio Social Media Anti-SPAM check 0% complete. Submit Print