Protective Services Logo_NoBkrd.png    Community Group Toolkit

The purpose of the Toolkit is to build resilient communities and neighbourhoods.

More and more rural communities are interested in emergency preparedness, planning and response. The purpose of the toolkit is to help groups ask the right questions and make informed decisions about how they want to organize and what they are looking to accomplish.

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Whether you are thinking of organizing a group to address social, environmental, or economic issues, the purpose of this toolkit is to provide a practical starting point for community groups interested in forming and organizing together. It is designed to help groups ask the right questions and make informed decisions about how they want to operate, what roles they will fill, and how they will engage with their community, local governments and other organizations.

In B.C., not-for-profit organizations are called societies, which are independent entities that must follow the Societies Act. Societies cannot earn profits for their members; all funds must support the organization’s cause.

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Click on the banner to learn how to start a society.

BN Emergency & Public Affairs Banner Logo.PNG
Click the banner above for information on how to register for alerts.