
Recent years have shown that wildfires pose a significant threat to our homes and livelihoods. Wildfires are a natural phenomenon in the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako, but the actions we take can drastically reduce the threat of wildfires to our communities. FireSmart is a federal, provincial, and community-based program that encourages the public to take simple, scientifically proven steps to increase wildfire resiliency. Download the FireSmart Homeowner’s Manual to discover many easy and inexpensive ways that you can FireSmart your property today! A free residential assessment from our FireSmart Educator will help you better understand and apply these practices. If interested, please register below. We will also be hosting several educational events, which you can find information on below. Do your part, be FireSmart!

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FireSmart Guides: 

FireSmart Home Manual Banner.png  Home Development Guide Banner.png  FireSmart BC Landscaping Guide Banner.png 



For more information or to book a FireSmart assessment please fill out the following information.


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Final Banner.PNGClick the banner above for information on how to register for alerts.